
Referring to Alcohol and Other Drug Services

BayAODS (Bayside Alcohol and Other Drug Service) provides GP’s, Health, and Social Services professionals with an efficient, dedicated phone access point to all Victorian Government funded alcohol and drug services in the local government areas of Port Phillip, Stonnington, Glen Eira, Kingston and Bayside.

Central Intake is designed to assist professionals to locate and refer clients to the most appropriate service to meet their needs with one phone call.

We support access by ensuring that clients understand the full range of options along with service availability (such as waiting lists) without having to gather the information from each individual service themselves.

The line operates from 9am to 5pm business days.


We can assist you to locate and refer your clients to the most appropriate service

Phone: 03 9690 9778

Toll Free: 1800 229 263

Email: [email protected]

Service Types

Central Intake provides access to the following services:

  • Assessment
  • Non Residential Withdrawl
  • Residential Withdrawl
  • Residential Rehabilitation Services
  • Day Rehabilitation Programs
  • Counselling
  • Care and Recovery Coordination
  • Pharmacotherapy
  • Self Help support such as Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous and SMART Recovery
  • Family Support Services

Service Providers

Services that Central Intake will refer clients to, depending on their needs, include:

How it works

If you need to refer someone to specialised Alcohol and Other Drug services, you can offer any of the following options:

  • Call BayAODS on 1800 229 263 and provide your clients name and phone number. (with consent) We will contact the client directly.
  • Email BayAODS on [email protected] and provide your clients name and number (with consent). We will contact the client directly.
  • Refer your client to this online request form on the BayAOD website, where they can complete the initial request themselves and begin the referral process 
  • Tell your client about our Information Sessions and encourage them to attend. 
  • Give your client our Central Intake phone number and let them call us themselves.


Click here to view a list of helpful AOD online resources.