The following questions will give us a picture of your recent drug use. This includes illicit drugs & pharmaceutical medications (e.g. sleeping pills, pain killers). It does not include medication that you take as prescribed by your doctor. If you haven’t been using any, then you don’t need to answer the questions.
Please select the response that best describes your use:
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | ||
1 | How often do you use drugs other than alcohol? | Never | Monthly or less | 2-4 times a month | 2-3 times a week | 4 or more times a week |
2 | How often do you use more than one drug on the same occasion? | Never | Monthly or less | 2-4 times a month | 2-3 times a week | 4 or more times a week |
3 | How many times do you take drugs on a typical day when you use drugs? | 0 | 1 or 2 | 3 or 4 | 5 or 6 | 7 or more |
4 | How often are you influenced heavily by drugs? | Never | Less than monthly | Monthly | Weekly | Daily or almost daily |
5 | Over the past year, have you felt your longing for drugs was so strong that you could not resist it? | Never | Less than monthly | Monthly | Weekly | Daily or almost daily |
6 | Has it happened, over the past year, that you have not been able to stop taking drugs once you started? | Never | Less than monthly | Monthly | Weekly | Daily or almost daily |
7 | How often over the past year have you taken drugs and then neglected to do something you should have done? | Never | Less than monthly | Monthly | Weekly | Daily or almost daily |
8 | How often over the past year have you needed to take a drug the morning after heavy drug use the day before? | Never | Less than monthly | Monthly | Weekly | Daily or almost daily |
9 | How often over the past year have you had guilt feelings or a bad conscience because you used drugs? | Never | Less than monthly | Monthly | Weekly | Daily or almost daily |
10 | Have you or anyone else been hurt (mentally or physically) because you used drugs? | No | Yes, but not in the last year | Yes, during the last year | ||
11 | Has a relative or a friend, a doctor or a nurse, or anyone else been worried about your drug use or said to you that you should stop using drugs? | No | Yes, but not in the last year | Yes, during the last year |
Please add up your points to read about your score below:
2 – 24 – Potentially harmful / risky use – Sign of problematic drug use that is harmful to health, but you may not necessarily be dependent. You may be experiencing some problems related to your drug use depending on your drug /s of choice and other social, physical and psychological factors. If you feel your drug use is impacting on you or you want to learn more about the potential harms and how to reduce them, please call BAODS on 1800229263.
5 -24 – Potentially harmful / risky use – Sign of problematic drug use that is harmful to health, but you may not necessarily be dependent. You may be experiencing some problems related to your drug use depending on your drug /s of choice and other social, physical and psychological factors. If you feel your drug use is impacting on you or you want to learn more about the potential harms and how to reduce them, please call BAODS on 1800229263.
25+ – Harmful use – Your score indicates that your drug use is harmful to your health and that you may be dependent. This means you may need to take drugs to avoid feeling unwell, shaky, anxious or to feel “normal”. Ongoing drug use at this level will result in harms to your health and wellbeing and ability to carry out your daily activities and responsibilities. There are several support options for you including counselling, home based detox services, day programs, group programs and if required residential detox and rehabilitation support. There is also case management support for people who require more practical assistance and support around housing, employment, wellbeing, health and social connection.
Ceasing or reducing your drug use without medical advice and supervision is not recommended and may result in serious side effects associated with your body going into withdrawal.
Please call BAODS on 1800229263 to talk about what options might work for you.